Thousands of new faces arrive at the university this week. To get to know them, we’ll…
Thursday morning at 9am sharp, students from the Medical Faculty Association Rotterdam…
On the grounds of the PAC athletics club, you can spot two types of first-year students:…
The contrast couldn’t be greater on Monday evening. On the ground floor of Maassilo,…
Whether you want to lounge, have lunch, play long games or like to catch up with your new…
Eurekaweek kicked off on Monday morning at Ahoy with an opening full of old and new…
From STIs to hangovers and rejections: you would prefer to avoid those this week. So,…
Erasmus MC is working on a monument to commemorate the attack that took place on 28…
Ed Brinksma’s departure as chair of the Executive Board of the EUR this week also means…
The programmes at Erasmus MC now have 600 additional study spaces and 60 new workspaces.…
Whether it is a Moroccan wedding or the gowns at a doctoral conferral, Hanan El Marroun…