Since the beginning of this academic year, the cutleries used in Vitam cafeterias on…
Following a sharp increase in sales as a result of an EUR vegan meal subsidy and a…
The university should take an example from the set-up of the IDEA Centre for its…
In this episode of How hard can it be? Adinda joins the gardening session of the Erasmus…
Erasmus Sustainability Hub chair Levi Polderman is disappointed in the way in which the…
Affordable food start-up Big Pot hosted an initial free tasting event last Tuesday to…
With the university declaring a climate emergency and the campus to be vegan by 2030, EUR…
This time Adinda was presented with the challenge of cooking Syrian food.
Berfu Ege Söbe is one of the five nominees for the Student of the Year Award. In this…
In February, the Erasmus Sustainability Hub and some student associations demanded…
Well-being app: brilliant idea or a waste of money? That’s what EM's question last…
A total of 131,214 people have signed a petition against the slow-progress penalty. On…
Hoek van Holland may not be Brazil, but columnist Giselle still enjoys a day at the beach…
Fifty-one young academics at Dutch universities and research institutes will receive a…