The Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance of Iran, Farhad Dejpasand, and Iranian…
In the controversy surrounding online proctored exams, lecturers are caught in the…
ERC Starting Grants are awarded to brilliant researchers who have gained two to seven…
In late May, second-year students in the Intermediate Accounting bachelor programme…
Patrick Groenen will be serving as Dean of Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) as of 1 May.
For the first time ever, Statistics Netherlands broadcast its annual press conference on…
“Let’s go for dinner now, so we can at least enjoy the evening if we have to go to…
Lans Bovenberg en Paul van Geest hielden onlangs een bijzondere dubbeloratie. Een econoom…
Have you heard of Jan Tinbergen? Did you know that he won the first Nobel Prize in…
The ambassador of Iran gave a guest lecture in the aula on Tuesday to an audience of…
Five buildings on the Woudestein campus will close earlier than planned due to budget…
More and more students are choosing to switch universities for their master’s degree, a…
At the University of Twente, dozens of forced layoffs have occurred, and eight…
Alumnus Gregory got down on one knee and proposed to his beloved Victoria, also a former…