The Student Wellbeing Week offers a variety of workshops, focused on helping students…
Delft University of Technology is exposed to significant financial risks, according to…
According to Nibud, parents who earn 1.5 times the modal income must be ‘highly…
A basic student grant will be reintroduced, small-scale programmes must remain in place…
In her address at the opening of the academic year, outgoing minister Ingrid van…
All those extra millions of euros for higher education in times of corona? No need for it…
Faculties have spent a lot of cash on the digitisation of their education. The lack of…
The university has adjusted its financial projections upward, even though the coronavirus…
Want to enjoy the IFFR without spending loads of money? These are the free parties, films…
De Erasmus Universiteit komt er samen met Maastricht en Tilburg wel het slechtste vanaf…
Erasmus University will temporarily halt new collaborations with Israeli and Palestinian…
Every Monday, an overview of the most important news about Erasmus University and what's…
Erasmus MC is working on a monument to commemorate the attack that took place on 28…
Ed Brinksma’s departure as chair of the Executive Board of the EUR this week also means…