Within days, the UK government has rejected a European Commission proposal to give people…
The number of students from EU countries enrolling in British universities has halved.…
Six questions about the consequences of the Brexit deal for exchange students and…
Europeans who want to study in the United Kingdom will have to pay substantially more for…
Today is the day: the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union. For students and…
Premier Boris Johnson probeert internationale studenten tegemoet te komen. Ze mogen na…
According to Professor Frank van Oort - who was commissioned by the British to…
British students in the Netherlands have nothing to worry, they will be able to continue…
While the average Dutch person will have 0.7 per cent more to spend next year, students…
Transgressive behaviour in the academic world is sadly nothing new, and all kinds of…
Broaden your gaze, is what critics in higher education and research are saying to the…
Fewer international students, the slow-progress penalty... Even if the plans turn out not…