The government is intending to increase student grants for students living away from home…
Student grants will be slightly more generous than previously announced and the threshold…
MPs fear that young people are deferring enrolling in degree programmes due to…
The Rotterdam campaign group Studentenprotest wants more compensation for the student…
Don't celebrate too early: not until 2024. The current generation of students will…
An overwhelming majority of the House of Representatives wants to get rid of the current…
Students who lost their basic grant would get better education in return. Fewer massive…
In 2015, the basic grant disappeared and universities promised to invest extra in…
The introduction of the loan system was offset by the promise of hundreds of millions for…
Education minister Van Engelshoven realises that financing for university studies will be…
The Hebrew University has criticised the Dutch research institute NIAS for its decision…
Higher education institutions have once again been targeted by a DDoS attack. All…
Erasmus University is also experiencing disruptions caused by cyber-attacks targeting…
Epidemiologist Arfan Ikram uncovered a link between genetics, head size, dementia and…