By the end of 2028, Erasmus University aims to have the campus accessibility in ‘basic…
Following the opening of the Langeveld Building in 2022, there were a lot of complaints…
Do you feel at home at this university? Five students and staff members answer this…
Erasmus University is working on its own building accessibility policy, says the director…
The Executive Board is unwilling to cut all ties with the fossil fuel industry, the…
Long before the Langeveld building was completed, Erasmus University had been warned that…
For many students, the new Langeveld building is an ideal study place, but students with…
The university has to become more accessible to students who have a functional…
On Monday, the House of Representatives is talking about the new student finance system.…
Accessible education means more than just ensuring that lecture theatres are…
The interest on study debts will amount to around 2.6 percent next year, which is roughly…
Coffee Company has replaced Starbucks at the Food Plaza this summer. There is no link…
They love cycling, but also tend to be accident-prone. Internationals have more accidents…
Cutbacks or not, the workload in science must be reduced. That is what Minister Eppo…