A completely sold out Eurekaweek, a rainy start but beautiful weather on Wednesday and Thursday. 2,800 participants became acquainted with the city, student life and the campus. In this dossier you can read back on a wonderful start of your student life.
The rain kept falling on Opening Day, but all the drops combined couldn’t prevent a great start of the Eureka Week. The traditional opening in De Doelen needed some extra buckets though to keep our feet dry.
On Wednesday, the weather was much better. The information market at Oude Plantage was overcrowded with freshmen, looking for new opportunities in sports, culture and politics. Erasmus Magazine was also present, producing, writing, printing and handing out 450 copies of the ‘instant newspaper’ called Eurekacourant.
Getting sober again, hanging around or doing a few games. The sunlit Down to Earth Festival in the Museumpark was the ideal place to process all the experiences of the past week, or to lie down on one of the many pillows, next to that charming fellow group member. EM’s Carmen Wijnen reports.