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The rules:

  1. Once posted, comments stay posted. We do not remove any contributions to discussions afterwards even if asked to do so. For this reason, do not write anything you may later regret.
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  5. Comments that are knowingly false will be removed.
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  7. Only post responses that are relevant to the content of the article; in other words, stay on topic.
  8. Comments are intended to foster debate. Repeating the same point only makes any sense if it is done with fresh arguments.
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  11. If you find a factual inaccuracy or a typo, rather than leaving a comment below the post, please e-mail us at [email protected].

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EM reserves the right to remove comments without entering into further correspondence, and to amend the above rules at a later date and apply them retrospectively.

If you would like to tell your story with complete anonymity, you can also e-mail EM at our protected e-mail address [email protected].