A fall on her top distance, the 500-metre race, caused long-track skater Ariane Smit to…
EUR-student Ariane Smit is representing the Netherlands at the Universiade.
Dave Coelers is the very first student scout in Dutch professional football.
Indoor footballers allowed Watergras to equalise in the last second of the game.
Seventy percent of the master programmes work with additional selection criteria
Erasmus Sport and Excelsior sign an agreement.
The Rotterdam-based football team settled for a 1-1 draw in a dull city derby.
De basketbalsters van Baros verliezen de bekerwedstrijd tegen US met 39-47.
Antibarbari beats The Hague's HVV 2-0 last sunday.
The Rotterdam team moves up a gear in third quarter and wins by 57-43.