A new generation of freshers was introduced to Rotterdam’s party scene at the opening…
Prospective EUR students participate in what is referred to as the PAP: a four-day…
On Sunday Woudestein stadium will be the backdrop to the Feyenoord v Excelsior…
RS won eight of its final nine matches. As a result, the indoor footballers are in the…
The Olympic silver medallist gives EUR students a taste of elite sport in the Erasmus…
'Hubris' won the first edition of the Next Erasmus science pub quiz. The team owed its…
Student football club’s ‘Flagship’ team forced to play without regular goalkeeper…
First basketball team EBV Baros defeats the Woodpeckers and broadens the gap in the…
The members’ club of the Rotterdam Student Corps was the setting for a debate between…
European Commissioner Frans Timmermans discussed the future of Europe with EUR students…