What may we hope?
During this event, we will examine what we – freely according to the philosopher Kant – ‘may hope for’. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Is there hope for a fair world with more social and economic equality? Can we stop climate change? Is there reason to think that ‘the new normal’ will be better than the old normal and if so, why?
Dr. Katharina Bauer (Erasmus School of Philosophy) on different kinds of hope and the chances for a fragile hope versus a radical hope.
Prof. Derk Loorbach (DRIFT) about seizing the corona crisis for a radical system change and the (im)possibilities for an economic and ecological transition.
Would you like to join this programme? Reserve a spot in the conservatory of the Erasmus Paviljoen. Because there is only a limited space available with 1.5 metres distance, we also present this programme online. Are the tickets sold out or does attending online fit in better with your agenda? Then book a ticket for the live stream and we will send you the link a day in advance. Reservation via https://studiumgenerale.stager.nl/What%20may%20we%20hope%3F/tickets.