‘What does it mean to work against the institution you work for?’
Event by ESOC and EIPK.

Erasmus School of Colour and Erasmus Institute for Public Knowledge present:
“What does it mean to work against the institution you work for?” In a series of events they will explore this question, posed by Fred Moten and Stefano Harney, through the experiences of people who work for institutions whose violent structures they want to dismantle. In this first episode they present this question to people working within Dutch academica.
Nina Köll (University College Utrecht)
Jess Bier (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Giovanni Nobre (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Nina Köll (University College Utrecht)
Jess Bier (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Giovanni Nobre (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Zouhair Hammana (PhD candidate, co-author De Goede Immigrant, active community member ESOC, activist)
Melisa Ersoy (Master student Sociology, Founder ESOC)
Zouhair Hammana (PhD candidate, co-author De Goede Immigrant, active community member ESOC, activist)
Melisa Ersoy (Master student Sociology, Founder ESOC)