Turkey knows to assert its influence on a global scale, she is one of the main players in the refugee crisis and a potential bridge between Europe and the Arabic world. But is Turkey capable to fulfill these roles? In this lecture Lily Sprangers (Leiden University) sketches the grand changes that Turkey went through. She will address the domestic situation and its geopolitical consequences.

Lily Sprangers, manager of the LeidenAsiaCenter, is a renowned Turkey-expert. Before she worked as the director for the independent Turkey Insitute in Leiden and The Hague that she co-founded in 2007.

Understanding today’s Turkey is a collaboration between Studium Generale and the NGIZ (het Nederlandse Genootschap voor Internationale Zaken). This lecture is moderated by Prof. dr. Kees van Paridon.

More information
Date: 16 March 2020
Time: 16:00 hours Doors open: 15:30 hours
Location: Erasmus Paviljoen

Ticket information
Entrance: free, reservation recommended