What happens in your body when you’re in love? What’s the quickest way to get rid of heartbreak? What music puts you in the right mood? These and more questions will be asked (and answered) during this evening full of passion for music, film and science.

Are you a student or employee of the EUR? Join in with a team of up to 5 people and maybe you’ll walk away with the prize!

The Erasmus Love Lab is celebrating its 2nd anniversary on this day! The interdisciplinary research team of the Erasmus Love Lab study intimate relationships, love and sexuality. The research area deals with relational and sexual health throughout the life course, relational and sexual development of young people, positive and negative aspects of intimate relationships and sexuality and the role of relevant biological, psychological, socio-cultural aspects.


More information:

  • Date: Tuesday 14 February
  • Time: 19.00- 21.15 hours Doors open: 18.30hrs
  • Location: Café Erasmus Paviljoen
  • Free entrance, but register your team of max. 5 people via our webshop (only 1 ticket per team needed)


Organised by Studium Generale and The Erasmus Love Lab