As 2021-2022 was an exceptional year, Erasmus Magazine and Studium Generale decided it needs a real closing ceremony. We’ve invited various guests of our university to reflect in different ways on 21-22!

On the programme a.o.:

  • An unofficial cortege led by our Scottish student Richard Kneen on bagpipe will open the ceremony.
  • A mini lecture by dr. Lysanne te Brinke of ESSB’s SYNC-lab about the impact the past corona year has had on us. Have we changed permanently?
  • Music by the band of Erasmus Music Association.
  • The winning song of the EURVision Song Contest, by students Efe Özülkü & Zaineb Alamiry.
  • Spoken word about the events of last year by student Will Makin and a Ukrainian poem by Anna Rudya (subject to change).
  • And our 5 nominees for the Student of the Year-election will be presented and interviewed.

With the Student of the Year-election we are looking for someone (or a group of up to five students) who has accomplished something extraordinary. Their efforts were selfless and in the interests of society. A jury has selected 5 nominees and now it’s up to you to vote for your winner! You can vote in the two weeks before the event. The student with the most votes will become Student of the Year.

You can find more information on the election and nominees here!

The whole show will be in capable hands with our hosts David Boeren (SG) and Tessa Hofland (EM).

More information:

  • Date: Tuesday 14 June
  • Time: 16.00 – 17.30 hours (Doors open: 15.30)
  • Location: Theatre, Erasmus Paviljoen
  • Entrance: free, but reservations recommended.


Organised by Studium Generale and Erasmus Magazine

Berfu Ege Söbe , Sandra Gartska, Kyra Mulder, GIDS, Amir Abdelmoumen – Student of the year 2022 – Alis Mahaletska elmers montage

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Vote here for the Student of the Year

Who is your Student of the Year? Sandra Garstka, Kyra Mulders, Geneeskundestudenten In De…