About the film:

An inspiring story about realising your dreams and proving that a sustainable life in harmony with nature is possible.

In 2011 filmmaker John Chester and his wife Molly turn their back on their jobs and the city life in order to realise their dream out in the country. Just outside of Los Angeles the couple attempts to turn an arid piece of land into a unique farm with a flourishing, self-regulating ecosystem. They cultivate the barren property according to an ingenious system, and with the arrival of ducks, chickens and the endearing pig Emma, their dream slowly comes true. Although their progress is not without setbacks, John and Molly discover along the way that nature itself provides a solution for many problems.

The film presents an honest, hopeful and especially touching perspective on the pursuit of harmony. What’s more, it is magnificently filmed and brimming with colourful hairy, woolly, clucking, grunting, flying and creeping characters.


More information
Date: Thursday 20 February 2020
Time: 19.30 – 21.30 hours
Location: Erasmus Paviljoen, Theatre

Ticket information
EUR-Students: Free, but reservation recommended
EUR-Employees: € 5,-
Others: € 5,-

Organised by Studium Generale and Erasmus Sustainability Hub