The Art of Socratic Dialogue (sold out)
Moving from small talk to big talk; in this workshop you will experience what it is like to philosophize. Do you want to experience how to talk with others about more fundamental questions in your life? How to investigate an experience and approach the essence of a topic? And are you curious how your everyday experiences can lead to new thinking as the opposite of recycling old thoughts?
In this two-hour workshop Rudolf Kampers teaches the basics of how to be part of a philosophical conversation using the Socratic method. Rudolf Kampers has been a teacher in Socratic dialogues, workshops and courses since 2005. Together with Jan Ewout Ruiter he has founded the organisation Leren Filosoferen (translation: Learning how to philosophize, and has written the book Filosoferen aan de keukentafel (Scriptum 2015, translation: Philosophizing at the kitchen table).
This workshop is in English and only open for EUR, EMC and EUC students and employees. You do not need to have any knowledge of philosophy or of philosophical dialogues in order to participate. For this workshop a minimum of 6 participants is required, in case this number is not reached the workshop will be cancelled in due time.
Date: Thursday October 15th 2020
Time: 16.00 hrs
Location: campus Woudestein, to be announced
Ticket information
Entrance: EUR-students: €5, entrance EUR-employees: €10,-
(only open for EUR, EMC and EUC students and employees)