With this edition as table guests:

  • Mr Dr Daphina Misiedjan (ISS) on climate inequality. Does where you are born matter for your carbon footprint and how can countries with smaller economies still contribute to a better climate?
  • Dr Nicholas Vrousalis (ESPhil) on the concept of inequality. What does inequality actually mean? Isn’t it a key driver for humans to always want to become a little better? And does a society where everyone is equal exist?

At this event a three-course dinner including two drinks will be served. The menu is entirely vegetarian but if you prefer to eat vegan or have dietary requirements, let us know via: [email protected].

Student ticket: 15,00 euro
Regular ticket 20,00 euro

This programme is organised by Studium Generale.

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. From: Animal Farm by George Orwell.

More information:

  • Date: Tuesday 6 December 2022
  • Time: 17:30 hrs (doors open 17:15 hrs) – 20:30 hrs.
  • Location: Serre, Erasmus Paviljoen
  • Moderation: Lenya Slierendrecht
  • Cost:
    • Student ticket: 15,00 euro
    • Regular ticket: 20,00 euro
    • A three-course dinner and two drinks are included