In the Wellbeing Week. Studium Generale organizes this ART Workshop in the Livingroom. You get a creative assignment and get to know fellow creative students. Studium Generale provides the material (paint/pencils/paper, etc.)

Teacher: Kim Harte
Costs: free, because of the Wellbeing Week
Location: Livingroom; tent in front of Erasmus Paviljoen
Time: 5 pm – 7 pm.
Maximum number of participants: 25 students

Only accessible for EUR-students.

Student Wellbeing Week
From the 14th to the 18th of November 2022, the Student Wellbeing Week will take place! It’s all about having fun, relaxing, meeting other students, your personal development and mental, physical, and social wellbeing. The complete program will be announced later on the Student Wellbeing Platform. Stay tuned!

More information:

  • Date: Monday 14 November
  • Time: 5 pm – 7 pm
  • Location: Living Room (tent in front of Erasmus Paviljoen)
  • Entrance: free because of the Wellbeing Week

Organised by Studium Generale, Kim Harte in cooperation with the Wellbeing Week