Award winning comedian and city tour guide Luuk van der Vaart has a new show specially made for all students in the NL.

With cities and universities getting more and more international, it is a good time to answer the question: what does it mean to be Dutch? You think you know, but you are wrong.

From a river delta to the republic, from capitalism to progressive change, University of Amsterdam alumnus Luuk will tell the real story of the NL.

And since Luuk screwed up his college years, he will also share some stories and good advice that will help you survive your college years. Like, did you know if you have ADHD you are likely to overuse alcohol?

Luuk (alcohol <3) priorly won the audience award of the Groninger Studenten Cabaretfestival and both the jury and audience award of the Amsterdam Studenten Cabaretfestival. Shit I wish I knew before Studying will be informative and funny, for students as well as non-students.

More information
Date: Tuesday 22 September
Time: 20.00-21.15hrs
Location: Theater Erasmus Paviljoen
Language: English spoken, with maybe some Dutch words

Students: 5 euro
Employees: 7,50 euro
Regular tickets: 12,50 euro

Organised by Studium Generale in cooperation with ESN-Rotterdam