These questions are the central theme of the Korean political thriller Kingmaker (2022). The film is a dramatic retelling of the story of South Korean President Kim Dae-Joong (1998-2003) and his campaign strategist. The latter was willing to go overboard to achieve victory, to the displeasure of the idealistic Kim Dae-Joong. How does a politician balance the dichotomy between integrity and achieving ideals? Do the two necessarily lie apart? And what is the role of “spin doctors” at election time?

Prior to the screening of Kingmaker, there will be an introduction to the campaign battle in the Netherlands and the stakes that are involved. Were there moments in the campaign when the work of a spin doctor was clearly evident? And did any politicians actually stumble on integrity? And how is the Netherlands doing compared to South Korea?

This film screening is a collaboration between Studium Generale and dr. Delia Dumitrica, lecturer in Politics and Media at ESHCC.

Kingmaker (Kingmeikeo) I 2022 I Director: Byun Sung-hyun I 123 minutes I South Korea


Date: Wednesday 11 October 2023
Time: 18:30 – 21:00 uur (doors open: 18:15 uur )
Location: Theil building, CB-3
Moderation: dr. Delia Dumitrica
Cost: Free