During this Conference, particular attention will be given to the Compact for Responsive and Responsible Leadershipsponsored by the World Economic Forum International Business Council and launched at the Annual Meeting in 2017. The Compact aims at creating a corporate governance framework with a focus on the long-term sustainability of corporations and the long-term goals of society.

Programme and practical information

On Thursday 29 November, the first day of the conference will offer key notes from renowned speakers and multiple ‘mix & match’ events for bringing together leaders from the worlds of business, government, NGO and academia to discuss the transition towards more responsive and responsible leadership. This is a public conference, co-hosted by WEF and Philips). The event will take place at Rotterdam City.

On Friday 30 November, the research agenda and scientific results will be the focus during the scientific conference that will take place at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Call for papers

Do you want to join as a speaker or as a panel member? Go to Call for Papers.