Together we will explore ways for further cooperation with the ultimate goal to develop a richer understanding of social enterprise, its opportunities and risks.

Social enterprises mix economic and social value creation and are seen by many as promising tools to create social innovation in dealing with wicked societal problems. Yet, there is confusion about the concept of social enterprise and social enterprises come in many forms and sizes. What they all have in common is their hybrid character mixing the institutional logics of state, market and society. This hybridity is their strength, as it encourages synergy and innovation, but also their weakness, as it leads to ambiguity and confusion.

Why this online seminar?

Academic research can help to better understand the role social enterprises can play in social innovation and how this role is affected by their hybridity. However, while research about social enterprise is undertaken by various academic disciplines (public administration, transition studies, management studies, etc.), this knowledge is fragmented. Academics from different fields are often not aware of each other’s activities, which means that opportunities for fruitful exchanges and for collaborative and integrative research are missed.

Bring academics together

The aim of this interactive webinar is to bring together academics dealing with social enterprise and related subjects at Erasmus University Rotterdam and other universities to explore ways for further cooperation with the ultimate goal to develop a richer understanding of social enterprise, its opportunities and risks.

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