Together with ESN-Rotterdam, we invite you to our monthly filmnight. This time we invited IES (Italian Erasmus Society) to get us introduced into Italian cinema. We will be screening Il Capitale Umano (The Human Capital) in which the destinies of two families become irrevocably intertwined after a cyclist is forced off the road by a Jeep just before Christmas. A classic Whosdunnit.

More info:
Il Capitale Umano begins at the end, as a cyclist is run off the road by a careening SUV the night before Christmas Eve. As details emerge of the events leading up to the accident, the lives of the well-to-do Bernaschi family, privileged and detached, will intertwine with the Ossolas, struggling to keep their comfortable middle-class life, in ways neither could have expected. Dino Ossola (Fabrizio Bentivoglio), in dire financial straits, anticipates the birth of twins with his second wife (Valeria Golino). Meanwhile, Dino’s teenage daughter’s relationship with hedge-fund manager Giovanni Bernaschi’s playboy son complicates an already tricky social dance of status, money and ambition. Paolo Virzi’s taut character study deconstructs the typical linear narrative, observing transformative events from each character’s perspective. The result is a nuanced account of desire, greed and the value of human life in an age of rampant capitalism and financial manipulation, packed in a classic Whosdunnit.

The film is based on the American novel Human Capital by Stephen Amidon, and directed by Paolo Virzì.

More information: 
Date: Wednesday 14 March
Time: 20.00 – 22.00 hrs. Doors open: 19.30
Location: Erasmus Paviljoen
Entrance: €3,50. Buy your tickets!

Curious? Watch the trailer.

Organised by Studium Generale, ESN Rotterdam and IES (Italian Erasmus Society)