The debaters will argue about several relevant social matters including migration policy and the nitrogen crisis. This national spectacle will take place in the Erasmus Aula from 18:15 to 19:00 and will also be broadcasted live on NPO 1. Afterwards, there is an open bar to contemplate which party leader came out on top while enjoying a drink.

*This event will be hosted in Dutch, non-Dutch speakers are of course welcome to join*


  • Mark Rutte (VVD)
  • Sigrid Kaag (D66)
  • Wopke Hoekstra (CDA)
  • Geert Wilders (PVV)
  • Attje Kuiken (PVDA)
  • Lilianne Marijnissen (SP)
  • Caroline van der Plas (BBB)

Important Information

– Doors open at 17:00 and close at 17:30 (might still change slightly depending on the exact planning of the event)
– A valid passport/identification card/driver’s license is required!
Ticket price: €12,50 (incl. drinks and snacks afterwards)
– No ticket = no entry