Studio Erasmus is de talkshow van de Erasmus Universiteit over wetenschap en actualiteit.…
The World Cup is one of the biggest sports events in the world. Why do so many of us tune…
The new academic year will be officially opened with an online talkshow on Monday 31…
Everyone wants to be (more) creative. But what is it and why is it so appealing? Is it…
Studio Erasmus is Erasmus University’s monthly talk show on science and current…
Table Talk is an open conversation between students on a present-day topic. This edition…
Is it justifiable to post a video online and violate someone’s privacy when it uncovers…
City Marketing: The success story of Rotterdam ‘Rotterdam may be Europe’s…
Reviewers and employees involved in the allocation of research funding are not allowed to…
487 days after the attack on Erasmus MC, the substantive hearing in the case against…
Male employees at Erasmus University earn an average of 15 per cent more than their…
Universities across the United States are bracing themselves as Donald Trump begins his…