Not all candidates have submitted a photo and an English version of their motivation (or in some cases, they didn’t submit a motivation at all). Profiles are sorted based on completeness. For the sake of democracy, EM shows you the Dutch motivation where the English versions are missing. Google Translate comes highly recommended.

Nizar El Manouzi

Nizar El Manouzi

Dear fellow students,

My name is Nizar and I’m in my last year of the bachelor medicine and bachelor double degree philosophy. I really would like to join the university council to help improve the quality of our education and the quality and quantity of study facilities. My main point for upcoming year will be to encourage students to come up with innovating initiatives and try to implement them. And therefore I consider this opportunity as a suitable way to help and encourage my fellow students to maximize their potential within this institution. Erasmus University is not just a place to learn and do science, but also a place where great ideas and initiatives are cultivated and introduced into our society.

So vote for Nizar El Manouzi, the man with a plan!

Eva Meier

Eva Meier

My name is Eva Meier, I am a first year BSc student at ESHPM. Like many students initially I didn’t know about the university council and its function. That is why I take this relative obscurity as my first challenge for change. The communication between the council and the students could be more transparent and interactive. Active participation and better communication will be my first and main step to more efficient plans.

The ESHPM faculty is optimal positioned to represent many different student issues because it is multidisciplinary. With this background in economics, social sciences and law I have a wide perspective on conflicts. There are two seats for the ESHPM and the Erasmus Medicine faculty. Since there hasn’t been a candidate from our faculty for a long time it is time to make a change and bring some new visions.

So, if you want that your voice is heard: vote for me!


I may be small, but I’ve got it all.

I’ll fight without rest, put me to the test.

Vote Eva Meier!

J. Klasen

(no photo or motivation submitted)

You may vote from 18 to 25 April at the elections website On the first and last day of the elections you will also be able to vote at the booth of the University Council in the hall of the Theil building (C).

If you’re a candidate and still want to supply a motivation or a photo, please email [email protected].