The signs are hard to spot during the day – an animal that fits into a matchbox could…
Fish, brightly coloured dragonflies, a bunch of blossoming lilies, and micro-organisms.…
Rumour has it that there are foxes on campus. The signs are there, and the location is…
Of all the nature reserves to be found on campus, urban ecologist Garry Bakker's…
Ever start off your day by doing laps of the office screaming? That's the morning ritual…
What may seem like a weed at first is actually the rare hart's-tongue fern. The car-park…
The campus pond is ‘clean’ and is full of tiny creatures. As such, it is the perfect…
Cycling through the streets of Utrecht East, there is one thing that quickly becomes…
Editor Tim Ficheroux would rather be on the West-Kruiskade than in nature. That changed…
As a child, editor Peer van Tetterode already used to wander the country estates around…
Erasmus University is set to make deep cuts. All support services are required to reduce…
An increasing number of people in their twenties hold a higher professional education or…
The government has abandoned cuts of 215 million euros to the universities’ national…
23 per cent of EUR employees struggle with high work pressure. Over a quarter do not get…