Well-being app: brilliant idea or a waste of money? That’s what EM's question last…
After just three weeks of using ROOM, students report feeling less stressed. At least,…
Do you end up scrolling on your phone for the past two hours instead of studying? Do you…
Exams are coming, work is piling up, but are you an unstoppable productive human machine…
The four-party coalition of PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB have formed an outline agreement…
How should students and staff dress on campus? EM turned to readers to ask about campus…
Fashion and clothes are used as a way to express yourself. Are clothes and fashion…
Do you only come to Polak to teach or learn? Then you are missing out on a whole world…
Medicine students tried to eat crickets for lunch, but would you? The Medical Faculty…
Can you already see yourself putting 'crickets' on your shopping list? Are sustainable…
Erasmus University is set to make deep cuts. All support services are required to reduce…
An increasing number of people in their twenties hold a higher professional education or…
The government has abandoned cuts of 215 million euros to the universities’ national…
23 per cent of EUR employees struggle with high work pressure. Over a quarter do not get…