Erasmus School of Law has decided to cancel the Legal Theory & Socio-legal Studies master…
Rector magnificus Rutger Engels will not finish his first term as rector. Colleagues and…
We, members of the Dutch academic community, are deeply concerned about the recent…
Professor of Sociology Willem Schinkel responds to the invitation of JOVD to debate with…
JOVD responds to Prof. Willem Schinkel’s article entitled ‘JOVD, Stay Out of the…
The Executive Board sees the importance of diversity on the university and wants to take…
The JOVD does not understand what diversity is about and threatens academic freedom by…
The JOVD is missing the point in the discussion about diversity at Erasmus University, in…
Students and staff must be more vocal about preserving the independence of education and…
The votes on the national budget didn’t take place on Thursday afternoon. The governing…
The cuts to education and research will largely go ahead, as confirmed by last night’s…
Over a hundred students and staff participated in a protest at Erasmus Plaza on Wednesday…
Professor of Erasmian Values Ronald van Raak hopes for a year filled with protests.…