A committee of experts is now starting work to develop guidelines for engagement with the…
The annual SustainaBul prize for the most sustainable higher education institution has…
How do you take your coffee? Black? With lots of sugar? Or maybe with some oat milk? If…
Since October, Erasmus University hosted twelve sustainability dialogues, conversations…
Since the beginning of this academic year, the cutleries used in Vitam cafeterias on…
Following a sharp increase in sales as a result of an EUR vegan meal subsidy and a…
The second Sustainability Dialogue attracted some sixty interested participants. The…
On Tuesday, a majority in the House of Representatives backed a motion to phase out…
A paperless office, more cases on sustainability or away with the Christmas box. Staff…
Many students want to behave more sustainable but following through is often difficult in…
Erasmus University is set to make deep cuts. All support services are required to reduce…
An increasing number of people in their twenties hold a higher professional education or…
The government has abandoned cuts of 215 million euros to the universities’ national…
23 per cent of EUR employees struggle with high work pressure. Over a quarter do not get…