An exhibition entitled Erasmus: The Man, The Myth, The Legend, The University opened in…
Poverty, inequality of opportunity, obesity, loneliness and climate change. Rotterdam and…
Photographers, Erasmus and Rotterdam. This time: Lou Muuse.
Lucette Mascini spoke two professors about backroom politics in Rotterdam.
Part 9 in a series about Desiderius Erasmus, in co-operation with Vers Beton
Erasmus and Rotterdam, part four of eight: Florian Braakman.
Jan Bransen believes that Jordy Dijkshoorn (De Likt) is the modern day Erasmus.
In part three of eight: Annabel Storm
How religious nones from Rotterdam deal with the pointlessness of existence
Photographer Rosanne Dubbeld searched for signs of Erasmus around the city.
While the average Dutch person will have 0.7 per cent more to spend next year, students…
Transgressive behaviour in the academic world is sadly nothing new, and all kinds of…
Broaden your gaze, is what critics in higher education and research are saying to the…
Fewer international students, the slow-progress penalty... Even if the plans turn out not…