A total of 131,214 people have signed a petition against the slow-progress penalty. On…
A large majority of voters think it’s a bad idea for the government to cut funding for…
The newly appointed Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Eppo Bruins, faced sharp…
While many options may still be open in the lead-up to Budget Day, one thing is certain:…
The opposition is deeply concerned about the future of higher education, as shown by…
Robbert Dijkgraaf oversaw the allocation of hundreds of millions of euros in funding,…
The collective labour agreement of Dutch universities is about to expire. The unions…
There is still no bill on screening foreign researchers in sensitive fields. 'Recent…
Should higher education institutions de-enrol rioting students as quickly as possible to…
What does the future look like for international students in the Netherlands? Lower House…
Every Monday, an overview of the most important news about Erasmus University and…
Slow-progress penalty, fewer international students, less science... The cabinet is still…
In many student cities it will get more difficult to find a home, predict the authors of…
The University Council has asked the Executive Board to ‘scrutinise’ its ties with…