When it comes to choosing a degree programme, what should you do: follow your interests…
How to kick-start your career according to career advisors and HR professionals.
With a new lockdown in place, almost all planned social activities on campus in the…
The coronavirus crisis last year hardly reduced the job opportunities for graduates at…
What is the job market perspective of your master's? Look up the average annual income…
By promoting endowed professors to full professorship, the EUR - almost - achieves the…
Recruiters and career advisors explain the obstacles and opportunities international…
‘Sometimes you have to be fortunate enough to be offered the right opportunity at the…
International Erasmus University Rotterdam students talk about their career…
80 per cent of the students expect to have difficulty finding a job in the Netherlands.
Around fifty people gathered at Erasmus Plaza on Thursday afternoon to commemorate the…
The interest on study debts will amount to around 2.6 percent next year, which is roughly…
Coffee Company has replaced Starbucks at the Food Plaza this summer. There is no link…
They love cycling, but also tend to be accident-prone. Internationals have more accidents…