
Student Bence stands in front of the Tinbergen building looking at his phone. The Master’s student in Supply Chain Management has just finished his first lecture and wants to know where the new Sports Building is. “I like sports, so I would like to take out a fitness subscription,” he says.

Arriving at the building, he looks around enthusiastically. As we say goodbye, he treats us to a handstand in front of the building.

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This is why the buildings on campus have these letters

The Mandeville Building is not the M Building, but rather the T Building. You might…

Erasmus building

Paolo arrived in Rotterdam three days ago. The International Economics and Business Economics student is walking around exploring the campus. “Would you like to show me the Erasmus Building?” He is curious about the philosopher after whom the university is named. What does he think of Rotterdam? “It’s nice here, but cold,” says the Italian with a smile.


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Why some buildings have both a letter and an actual name

The names given to the buildings on campus Woudestein do not appear to be very…


Third-year Management of International Social Challenges student Nicole is not lost, but she still has to think when she has an appointment somewhere on campus. “Because of covid, of course, I wasn’t on campus as much, so I don’t even know where the library is,” she confesses. Her message to first years? “Explore the campus, it’s a wonderful place. Don’t take me as an example, a third-year student who doesn’t know where the library is.”

EM-map-kaart-plattegrond-campus-Woudestein-park noord

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Find your way on campus with this free illustrated map

Allow EM to show you the way! EM had a map of the EUR campus drawn up for first-year…

Do you often get lost on campus? Stop by EM’s editorial office in HB-108 for a map of the campus!