Speakers at the dinner talked about women as ‘sperm buckets’ and about how they would break women’s necks ‘to stick their dicks in’, reports Folia. The video can be seen on Dumpert. The full, large hall, in which only men can be seen, repeatedly chanted that women are ‘whores’.

‘Insulting, shameful and deplorable’

270 members of the corps have written a letter to the board of A.S.C./A.V.S.V. in response to the video, in which they denounce the ‘downright insulting, shameful and deplorable’ statements. “Words cannot describe what it does to us, female members, to be described in such a disrespectful manner at our own men’s and women’s dinner.” They question the ‘cultural change’ the association has been working on this year.

Rector of A.S.C./A.V.S.V. Heleen Vos is going to investigate who exactly said what. It is already certain to Vos that four speakers expressed themselves in an ‘unacceptable manner’. “They are not welcome at the end party of the lustrum”, Vos tells Folia. She says she is ‘shocked’ by what happened during the dinner.

Ties already cut

This spring, the corps announced that it would be keeping a closer eye on hazing rituals at the disputen. Last year, several students were injured during these sessions. Among other incidents, a student’s arm was allegedly crushed with a wine bottle. The Amsterdam universities then cut ties with A.S.C./A.V.S.V., until the corps ‘had a better grip on what goes on in the disputes’.

ASC_AVSV_Amsterdam_April_2016 – wikimedia commons

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