The award is intended for young researchers from all disciplines who are just embarking on their careers. “An award like this can make quite a difference and obviously looks good on your CV,” says a KNAW spokesperson. There are relatively few grants for young scientists: they can apply for a Veni subsidy from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research or a Rubicon grant for research abroad. There are also European subsidies for young academics.

Every year, the KNAW will present a maximum of twelve Early Career Awards. The prize money comes from the Academy Fund. Winners may spend the money as they wish, as long as it benefits their career. For example, they can pay for research equipment, an assistant or a foreign trip.

Maximum seven years’ experience

To be eligible for the prize, researchers may not have graduated more than seven years ago and must be associated with a Dutch university or research institute.

Professors, directors of research institutions and members of the KNAW and De Jonge Akademie may nominate four candidates, one per scientific field. The winners will be announced next year.


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