Three scientists from Erasmus University are to receive a Vidi grant. On Friday, research funder NWO announced all 87 successful applicants.
Social media, stress hormones and legal culture
Media Scientist Daniel Trottier (ESHCC) has been awarded the Vidi grant for a project about digital vigilantism. His research focuses on security, privacy and social media. Internist and endocrinologist Liesbeth van Rossum (EMC) has received a grant for her research on stress hormones as a risk factor for obesity and its complications.
The third successful Rotterdam scientist to receive the Vidi grant is Elaine Mak (ESL), endowed professor of empirical study of public law (and as from 1 June she is also a professor in Utrecht). She researches the extent to which legal cultures in EU member states can develop into one single European legal culture.
Most Vidis awarded to Leiden, Delft and Amsterdam
This year, TU Delft was awarded the most grants; ten of its scientists are among the lucky ones. Leiden University and the University of Amsterdam come a close 2nd and 3rd, receiving eight and seven grants respectively. The university hospitals receiving the most grants are Leiden, Groningen and Amsterdam (UvA): NWO awarded these UMCs three grants each.
Few women
The likelihood of receiving a grant was smaller than last year; of the 572 applications received, only 87 were approved. What is striking is the low number of women who submitted an application: 375 male scientists applied for the grant compared to 197 women. 60 men were successful, compared to 27 women. This year, the success rate was lower than it was the year before: 15 per cent compared to 17 per cent in 2015.
The Vidi grants are awarded annually by NWO. It is one of the talent grants awarded by the researcher funder. They are intended for researchers who have several years of experience and amount to a maximum of 800 thousand euros.