On Monday, students who wanted to help refugees at the Sports Centre could register at the Centre’s mobile service desk in the C Building. Unfortunately, the new service desk didn’t see a
lot of traffic.

Nadat afgelopen week bekend werd dat er vluchtelingen zouden verblijven in het sportcentrum, kreeg Erasmus Sport van heinde en verre hulp aangeboden. Verschillende studentenverenigingen haalden een overweldigende hoeveelheid kleding en speelgoed op.

Erasmus Sport received offers of help from all sides after it was announced last week that refugees would be accommodated at the Sports Centre. Various student associations collected an
overwhelming volume of clothing and toys.

Students, staff members and EUR alumni continued to offer their help over the weekend. That’s why on Monday, the Sports Centre decided to set up a mobile service desk in the C Building to
inventory all these offers. However, the desk didn’t enjoy much footfall. This may also be due to the fact that the desk team were unaware that student volunteers could apply there.

Students could also buy a Sport Pass at the mobile desk, but there weren’t many takers for this service either, says team member Ali Janinullah. “Only three people dropped by today – even though we usually sell around 200 Sport Passes a week in this period.”

The original plan was to sell Sport Passes until 27 September. This deadline has now been pushed back to 10 October.